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Welcome to Cirkulær Outdoor! Cirkulær Outdoor aims to make it easy to buy and sell used outdoor clothes and accessories.
We make second hand the first choice.

How does it work?

01 Clean your wardrobe

Clean out your wardrobe of what you no longer use. We accept clothing and accessories from well-known brands in the Outdoor segment that are in good condition and modern.

The clothes must be freshly washed and without holes, stains or defects.

02 Come to us with your clothes

It should be easy to make sustainable choices. Book an appointment and come to our store to hand in your clothes. There you will meet our experts who will assess, price and accept the garments.

03 Make money

We will handle pricing, marketing and sales. You receive 40 % of the sales sum. You can use the money to shop in our stores or have the money paid out to your bank account.

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